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PMS - Minor Update - Version

· One min read

List of new features in version

  • Front Office
    • Closing Cashier
    • Enhancement Confirmation Letter
    • Enhancement Additional Charge (Function Add. Charge When Tax is Exclude)
    • Enhancement Advance Deposit (Disable Button Posting Deposit When Deposit Still Pending)
    • Enhancement Special Request
  • Analytics & Reports
    • [New] Report Statistic Method of Check In
    • [New] Report Allotment List
    • [New] Report Check Out Guest List
    • [New] Report Group Production
    • Change Title Report Daily (Print Report before NA)
    • Change Default Date to H-1 Working Date (On Several Reports)
    • Enhancement Report Market Segment by Month
    • Enhancement Report In House Guest List
    • Enhancement Report Guest Status
    • Enhancement Report Expected Arrival
    • Enhancement Report Reservation
    • Enhancement Report Statistic Company by Month
    • Enhancement Report SIP/MyValue
  • Bug Fixed & Performance Improvement